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  • Sector by country

Cap-Vert has maintained a relatively consistent rate of economic growth in the period 1980-2009 and shows an increase in growth over the last decade. The average annual growth rate of the 1980s (3.0 percent) and 1990 (2.7 percent) are slightly below the average rate for the period 1980-2009 to 3.2 percent, the growth rate of 2000 are slightly higher than him, to 3.9 percent.

Livestock production
Species Current workforce Import on feet Annual growth rate (%) Mortality rate (%)
Cattle 29 599 -- -- --
Goat 107 630 -- -- --
Sheep 12 625 -- -- --
Pigs 66 905 -- -- --
Horse -- -- -- --
Donkey -- -- -- --
local Poultry -- -- -- --
Live broiler -- -- -- --
Species Current workforce Prévisions
Slaughter rate (%) Average weight of carcass (kg) Average price of a kg of meat (ESCUDO) Total Weight Carcass (kg) Value (ESCUDO) Value (dollar($))
Beef -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Shevon -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Mutton -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Pork -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Backyard poultry -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Commercial poultry -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Species Realisations
Actual number slaughtered Slaughter rate (%) Average weight of carcass (kg) Average price of a kg of meat (ESCUDO) Total Weight Carcass (kg) Value (ESCUDO) Value (dollar($))
Beef 4 440 0 160 875,20 710 376 621 721 075 1 124 575
Shevon 32 289 0 15 670,70 484 335 324 843 485 587 580
Mutton 3 788 0 15 -- 56 813 -- --
Pork 46 834 1 15 319,60 702 503 224 519 799 406 113
Backyard poultry -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Commercial poultry -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Products Traditional Production System Improved production system (cross-breed) Intensive production system ( exotic breeds) Average price per liter of milk(ESCUDO/ L) Total milk production (L) Milk production value (ESCUDO) Milk production value (dollar($)
Cow milk 6 677 534 -- -- 117,40 6 677 534 783 942 492 1 418 002
Goat milk 6 393 222 -- -- 133,30 6 393 222 852 216 493 1 541 497
Products Total Production Average price of egg (ESCUDO) Value of egg production (ESCUDO) Value of egg production (Dollar $)
Local poultry eggs -- -- -- --
Commercial eggs Poultry 48 830 000 18,90 1 669 326 922 887 000
Découpage1 Total number of tropical livestock Units Total fodder production (T) Edible fodder production (T) Agriculture residues Transhumance Tropical Livestock Unit (TLU) Transhumance Tropical Livestock Unit (TLU) needs Fodder needs (T) Fodder deficit / surplus (T) Superficial area prepared for fodder crops (Ha)
Vaccine species Total workforce Total to vaccined Total vaccined
ARD V Volaille domestique 0 0 0
Newcastle Volaille domestique 0 0 0
Gumboro Volaille domestique 0 0 0
indicators of LIVESTOCK

Indicators Values
Meat production -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Exploitation rate of livestock -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Livestock products importation: meat,eggs, milk, hide and skin -- Découpage1
Annual meat Consumption per capita (Kg) -- Découpage1
Monitored live livestock control post by species -- Découpage1
Vaccination coverage rate (CBPP) -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Vaccination coverage rate (PPR) -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Annual livestock products consumption :meat, eggs, milk, hide and skin per capita -- Découpage1
Pastoral surface area -- Découpage1
Production of hide and skin -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Milk production -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Distribution of pastoral enclaves --
Mortality rate per species -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Number of pastoral water points created -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Number of livestock markets -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Number of livestock markets rehabilitated -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Contribution of livestock products to the total household consumption --
Annual growth rate of investments in pastoral resources --
Coverage rate of fodder reqirements -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Length (Cattle route) of passage corridors -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Area dedicated to fodder crops -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Number of modern abattoirs built -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Number of modern dairies created -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Number of livestock markets built in accordance to standards -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Annual milk consumption per capita (Kg) --
Contribution of livestock income to the total household revenue --
Number of secured pastoral enclaves -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Growth rate of livestock sector --
Livestock products exportation: meat, eggs, milk, hide and skin --
Fooder balance -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Total quantity of livestock products(milk, meat, hide,skin,eggs) --
Length of firewall band realized -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Number of modern tanneries rehabilitated -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Number of modern tanneries built -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Egg production -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Density of water points in grazing zones -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Total quantity of livestock products (meat) --
Total quantity of livestock products (eggs) --
Total quantity of livestock products ( hide and skin) --